Nanda ( with Sri Sri's messg)
Wish you all a very Happy Gudi Padwa and Happy Ugadi!
Today is the Hindu new year day, so Happy New Year to everyone !
Today ushers in a very beautiful and important year for all ! It is called "Nanda" It will herald happiness and good in the world. We are extremely fortunate to be a part of this great time. Let us play our part in this by being in knowledge and spreading it around the world. May Love move the world !
Message from H H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the Vedic New Year today
Q: Dear Guruji, what is your special message for UGADI (New Year)?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Happy Ugadi! Happy New Year! People eat neem leaves and sweets on Ugadi to remind themselves that life is a mixture of both – the bitter and the sweet.
Antarmukhi, sadasukhi: When one is centered, then there is happiness always. This New Year will be good. It will always be good, always evolutionary for the devotee – whatever the time and the prediction. It is time to move to a higher dimension. Whatever happens is for the good. Chant Om Namah Shivay.
Meditation is important. Even if one percent of you all meditate, it helps the remaining 99 percent of the population. This year everyone has to meditate and do satsang. The rest of the population will thrive on your spirituality. This year keep your spiritual goal. The material goals can be kept aside.
Meditate, do satsang, read knowledge sheets. By doing that, you are helping others who have a hard time.
JGD didi, i thought this was the message Guruji had given for Ugadi 3 years back...not specifically this year, could you please confirm?